Kyiv, Vyshgorodska str., 67 (entrance off Kobzarska str.), 4th floor, room 105        

EVIDAS-2017 витамин D


On October 11-12, 2019, the city of Warsaw (Poland) will host the 4th International Conference “Vitamin D – Minimum, Maximum, Optimum” under the aegis of European Vitamin D Association (EVIDAS).


Within the frameworks of this Conference, the Ukrainian EVIDAS chapter will hold a satellite symposium chaired by Prof. V. Povoroznyuk (Head of the Ukrainian EVIDAS chapter) and Prof.  P. Pludowski (President of EVIDAS).


Symposium will gather leading experts on Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in Ukraine.


Please read the Program of the 4th International Conference “Vitamin D – Minimum, Maximum, Optimum” using the link:


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