Should you undergo the osteoporotic testing
Osteoporosis is one of the key healthcare problems across the world. According to the international experts, this condition has become a virtual epidemic. The principal feature distinguishing osteoporosis from the other locomotor apparatus diseases is an almost entire absence of clinical manifestations up to the fracture occurring. Only one in three vertebral fractures is clinically detected (Briggs A.M., 2007; Genant H.K., 2002; Поворознюк В.В., 2009).
Taking into account a significant medico-social importance of osteoporosis, it is very important to evaluate the bone tissue at the early stages.
«Dual X- Ray absorptiometry is considered a ‘gold standard’ of bone mineral assessment.
According to the International Society for Clinical Densitometry’s Recommendations of 2015 (The International Society For Clinical Densitometry, 2015), the following groups of patients should be referred for the bone mineral density assessment:
- Women of 65 years and over.
- Postmenopausal women younger than 65 years with the following risk factors: low body mass, previous fractures, medications affecting the bone tissue, conditions associated with bone loss.
- Perimenopausal women with clinical risk factors: low body mass, previous fractures, medications affecting the bone tissue.
- Men of 70 years and over.
- Men younger than 70 years with the following risk factors: low body mass, previous fractures, medications affecting the bone tissue, conditions associated with bone loss.
- Patients with previous fragility fractures.
- Patients with conditions associated with bone loss.
- Patients on medications affecting the bone tissue.
You’re invited to the Ukrainian Scientific-Medical Center of Osteoporosis Problems for a densitometric assessment (Link to Book an Appointment) with Hologic (Discovery WI, USA) и Prodigy (GEHC Lunar WI, USA).